Jun 9, 20203 min read
Anguish & Action
Like so many of you, I have been shocked and disheartened by the events of the last week. I was physically ill watching George Floyd's...

Jun 2, 20205 min read
The Parallels Between Cancer and Covid
Parallel Shocks & Parallel Solutions When I learned my mother had died with a phone call at midnight, my whole world came crashing down....

Feb 19, 20203 min read
Grievers Need Space!
Most of the time when a loss happens,we don't know what to do. The main complaint I hear is that people say or do the wrong thing or just...

Mar 21, 20192 min read
The Ugliness of Grief Shaming
Shocking. Cruel. Unethical. Tragic. These are only a few words that come to mind when I see some of the attacks being levied towards...

Aug 11, 20164 min read
Heartbreakingly Different - Three Types of Suicide
It is the two-year anniversary of the tragic death of Robin Williams, one of my heroes both as performer and a human being. I grieved for...

Aug 8, 20163 min read
Kids and Watching Their Pets Die - Avoiding Trauma
A child's first exposure to death often comes from the loss of a beloved pet. Kids get very attached to animals as sources of comfort and...

May 19, 20164 min read
Three Ways That Each Griever Differs – How to Spot Them and How to Help Them
There is not a single human being who will escape loss. Whether a beloved animal, a job, a life change or a health diagnosis, all of...